Saturday, February 27, 2010

ta da

So today I got my hair did, as expected. He dicded to wax my eyebrows for free, because he looooves me. He did a great job, but doon after my eyelids turned purple and started to swell. That's right folks, I have developed an allergic reaction to body wax. My hair looks good, but all the subtle highlights don't really show in the current light. I went shopping after i got my hair done and this woman looked at me and said "you know, there are places that can help you." She thought I was a batered woman! So because verb wanted to see a recent pic of me, and my weight lost buddies asked for a pic too, tonight i slapped some make up on and took a pic to share. The hair was done this am and has been slept on, so if it no-longer looks fab, it' my fault and not the sexy italian god who does me hair. oh i took him a blood orange today, because i love them and they're italian, so i thought he'd like one, he was so happy. it's the little things. Anyway, so here's a pic of me.


  1. This is an excellent photo, Jilly. Your hair is so pretty. Guess it's all tweezers for you now, huh?

  2. You look great, Jilly!!!!!

  3. Totally fabulous! And thank you for the Valentine's card and photo of Mandolin.

  4. You look fantastic!! Oh, and I wish my hair looked like that after I slept on it!

    (again with anonymous - Schell)

  5. That's a great photo, Jilly!
