Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Crazy Bitch

Yesterday we went to several stores looking for road salt. Only having 2 days between blizzards doesn't leave a lot of time to prepare. Most places hadn't had time to get new stock in, and many had already yanked the winter stock in favor of spring stock, even though we're literally ass deep in snow with no end in sight. Anyway, we were on our way into store #5 when a minivan backed up suddenly without looking behind and hit us. My BFF#2 was closer to the baby, so she grabbed her and did a duck and roll move to get out of the way while I proceeded to lift my foot and kick the stuffing out of the back side of the minivan. Of course the kicking was just to let the crazy bitch driving know that there were people behind her and not out of a need to avenge the almost death of my kid....After I got over the kicking and ensure the safety of the baby and BFF#2, we made our way to the side of the van and exchanged some words with the crazy bitch. I didn't cuss once. I merely made it clear that if one isn't going to look, one should give up on driving and then made it clear that it's shameful to almost kill a baby in a parking lot because one is incompetant while driving. Looking back, I'm not sure if the driver was a crazy bitch or if the title belongs to me.


  1. the driver was. she should've been looking.there's a lot of people out there who don't. glad all of you were safe.

  2. If her car actually made contact with your bodies, the police should've been called!


  3. I'm glad your BFF #2 was there to help!

  4. oh my goodness I am so glad none of you were hurt!
