Sunday, January 31, 2010

What Goes Around...

A few weeks before Thanksgiving my b-i-l hit a friend's car in our driveway and didn't leave a note or didn't say anything until she approached him 2-3 days after the accident. Several of us explained to him about what a hit-and-run is and how nice this person was not to call the police etc. This weekend we had quite a bit of snow and my b-i-l parked at the end of our driveway so he could get out easier. The people across the street from us often use our diveway to turn around in and did so without looking or even thinking of looking first and hit his car and drove off without leaving a note. A different neighbor watched them do it and called us to tell us what happened and hen sent her brother, a cop, over to tell us what happened. When the b-i-l hit our friend and made his poor choice, I explained about "what goes around comes around" and gave the ever faithful "how would you feel if she'd hit you?" talk. I think it's poetic justice that he's dealing with this now and will NEVER make that same mistake again. Last night he was out taking tag info and pictures when the people came out of the house and made up a story about a different car hitting him and the police coming around etc. The b-i-l asked them if they knew anything else and they said no, so this morning he called the police and I suppose gave them the witness info and his side of the story. He felt guilty about not telling the people across the street that there was a witness to them hitting him before he called the cops, but I reminded him that they had ample opportunity to do the right thing and didn't. Now they'll probably get tickets and fines etc. to go with their other legal issues. One day, when I have time I'll tell you all about the lovely people who live cross from us, they make my family look downright classy.

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