Tuesday, January 26, 2010

watching a trainwreck

So far 2010 has been better than 2009 was, but it's too early to tell. We've been having ongoing troubles with a tenant that are stressing us out. Things had been great for the longest time, but over the past several moths, it's been pretty rough. Because I'm not working, this is hard for us to deal with. It was always the plan that over the summer/fall of 2010, I would go back to work, possibly back into education, but now it seems like I'm going to have to get a job sooner. We're not in a bad place yet, but we're afraid of what the situation with the tenant could become and feel it's better to head off the situation before it can get bad. If the situation doesn't degrade, then we're in a great place, and if it does degrade, then we're not in a bad place. Over the past few months of being home with Mandolin, she's really improved in some areas that were a concern, so I do worry that going back to daycare full-time, she'll start to fall behind again. The women at daycare love Mandolin like family, but she's not getting the 1-1 care that she gets at home. There's nothing like applying for jobs to really make you feel down and out.


  1. I had Ian in day care when he was about Mandolin's age. (I was teaching then, also, which still gave me more time with him than many other jobs would.) I think that for everything he missed out on with me, hours spent just cuddling or being read to or being taken interesting places, he made up for by being with other, older children. He LOVED being around the big boys, and during his year in day care, his physical skills really improved because he was always chasing around after the bigger boys, trying to learn to do everything that they could do. His talking really came along VERY fast that year, too. And even though he got a million horrible colds and ear infections that year, he got them over with early and DIDN'T get them in kindergarten.

    That's all to say that I think it all balances out, ultimately. You can't discount the value of the social and interactive skills learned in day care. So don't fret. Do what's best for your family, and it will all come out right.


  2. Jilly - what about part-time work? Being a landlord sucks - no ifs ands or buts about it.
