Saturday, August 22, 2009

some promised pictures

Who cares about the $300 play house when you've got a $40 dog carrier?

The joys of a slip 'n slide.
This is part of my back yard. I didn't lie when I said it's big, green, and flat without a tree in sight.

It's hard work going to see daddy at work, good thing we brought a book.

Once more around the block Momma

Mandolin with Aunt SiuSiu taking out the Pinata

Yumm Fresh Crabs. Picking them isn't so much fun, my fingers hurt for a week after, but the soup was great.

My birthday cake, it's a sand cake.

This is my carebear that friends gave me when I was in college. Mandolin has adopted it and even though they're the same size, she tries to take it everywhere.


  1. Man oh man, are you going to have fun staying home! I'd envy you if golf left me the time and energy.

    With all that yard space you just have to grow watermelons next year! Simple to grow and great fun, especially for kids, to eat!

  2. i think an anre of watermelon would get old fast i think i'd have to break it up with tomatoes and squash

  3. What a beauty Jilly!!!!

  4. Who's talking about an acre!! six watermelon plants, about two yards apart, is all you need. And don't go overboard on the squash... I bet a couple of plants would be plenty.

    There's a saying in farm country, "Don't leave you car unlocked at church in the summer because otherwise someone will put bags of squash in the back seat."

    Anyone who has grown squash knows the truth behind this statement.

  5. i love squash, it one of my favorite veggies. my dad would grow a ton of it in the summer and we'd eat it all year. i love to slice a yellow squash and just eat it. The only thing my dad didn't plant was potatoes because they're cheap and potato growing is hard work. in fact, my dad has great success growing corn in the front yard, much to my mother's embarrassment.

    tomatoes are the same as squash, a little goes a long way when it's time to plant. my guy's momma has a massive garden and brings us produce often. I love her home canned green beans. When the dog was alive, we'd take the dog to her garden, and the dog would pick and eat stuff at random. She really loved zucchini and spachetti squash. in the fall my MIL will be brining us some raspberry bushes to put in behind our shed. I love going to her house and pick berries in early July. She makes a nice sugar free jam.

    i mainly don't garden because of the four summer's we've been here, i've never had time. One year i had a job, one year i was pregnant, last year i took 5 classes, and this year i had a baby and my back injury doesn't allow for a lot of the heavy work that goes into gardening when you first start. i hope that my back is in better condition next spring so that we can make a nice size garden plot, we do have an acre of open, flat, sunny land to work with.
