Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hello Again

Bert was right, I have no excuse not to operate a blog again. My only real excuse is that I'm lazy, and that's not really a valid excuse.

This is a picture of the ducks who live next door in the cemetery after we get a lot of rain. They even stop by in the winter time. Mandolin likes to point at any bird she sees and tell me it's a duck.

Anyway, i'll post some pictue of the kid when I switch to a different computer.


  1. Hey, since you're going to home anyway, are you going to sible* Mandolin?

    *To Sible: give your already existing offspring a sibling.

  2. Bert, we talked of another child, but I have some terms that need to be met first. I don't want other people bunking in my house and I want the upstairs of my house remodeled before another kid is in the picture. He tried to argue against my terms, but in the end, I won. Plus, i take a pill every day to prevent more kids, so he really doesn't have much of a choice. Well actually, he does have a choice, he can meet my terms, or be happy with what he's got. I would love another baby, but we need to expand our living area before we have one.

    Mandolin needs a sibling because she's a spoiled brat. I love her, but she could use some competition.
