Sunday, March 14, 2010

humdrum and stupidity

not much is going on with me. I'm down 57 lbs and feeling good. I now wear a size 10 and have started to buy all new clothing. i'm not done with the whole "taking care of me" thing, but we're getting close. next saturday i have to go buy a prom dress for prom on may 1st. my guy has decided that instead of celebrating our anniversary in april and then prom may 1st, we'll do both on may 1st. i foresee a terrible night and some fighting because of this, but he swears it's a good idea. i love him, but it's not a good idea. if he thinks that being a prom chaperone is how i want to spend my anniversary, he's nuts. do i want to go? sure. is it a good substitute for taking me on a dinner cruise of the chesapeake bay? hell no. my biggest issue here is that prom's at a hotel this year. it's usually at halls but not hotels to discourage private parties upstairs. there are many aprents who don't have a problem with gettinga few hotel rooms and booze and hanving it to their kids as long as they're not "drinking and driving" it's okay. it's a stupid mindset, but people are stupid. go figure. i don't want a room in the same hotel as 400 drunk horny teens that my husband was babysitting earlie in the night (they have to babysit because at homecoming they caught 2 kids literall fucking on the dancefloor with a group of kids standing around them watching and trying to keep the adults unaware of the situation).
sure if prom ends at 12 and something goes down upstairs at 1, he won't tecnically be reposnible for contacting people, but let's be serious. they can have as many sober after prom parties as they want, and provide all the transportation they want to siad party from the prom, but if they had the opportunity to ditch the sober part and go drinking upstairs in a hotel room, many of those kids would. when it's at a hall, the kids HAVE to leave when prom is over. However, if it's at a hotel, good luck getting them to get on a bus and go to a lock-in back at the school.


  1. congrats on the 57 pounds.
    I have to agree withyou, jillybean. I work in the school system. not that I don't like what I do but I wouldn't want to babysit a bunch of hormone raging teens and celebrate my anniversary all in the same night.

    Happy anniversary.

  2. Yes Jilly, your guy is nuts... If only there were some way to explain to guys how nuts they are without feeling like you are giving them orders, which never solves the real problem which is that you want them to understand why they are nuts and to stop being nuts without having to be nagged into it. Good luck, and absolutely fabulous about the 57 lbs. Happy Anniversary

  3. yes if only there were a way. been in that before boat before.
