Thursday, July 1, 2010

it's official, i killed another one

So in 46.5 weeks i've killed 5 food scales.

Okay, I've only killed 4 and maimed one.

Well, okay, th 4th scale was maimed by my cat, but since he's mine, the blame is mine.

GusGus ate the #1 button off a $40 scale. This scale wasn't mine, it's my friend's scale that I was borrowing because she isn't currently weighing her food because she hasn't had time to cook any food at home in months. She loaned the scale to me 2 months ago. After he ate the #1 button, he then knocked it to the floor. It was sitting on the counter next to the sink. GusGus likes to sleep in the kitchen sink. I guess the scale sitting next to the sink just made him mad.

Anyway, I picked the scale up fearing doom and then turned it on to see if it lived (one of the 1-4 I killed died in a horrid fall from the counter, so this was a worry!). I was so happy when the digital scale turned on and then started hitting buttons to see if all was well. When I got to the #1, I noticed the mangeled rubber and got pissed. I contacted the company that makes the scale to ask about a new #1 button (this option is the cheaper option) but they think I'm some crazy lady and I was informed I should just buy a new scale. See, I know a new button would be a LOT less than $40, and since I broke this top-of-the-line scale, I should replace it with the exact same thing.

I called my guy in a fit of frustration and rage to vent my spleen and he just laughed and then asked me if the button still works. Well, if you use a pen or pencil, you can poke it in the hole and it will real the #1 or letters "C,D,E" so he said "Oh, well buy her a new one and you keep that one. You wanted to get one for yourself anyway." Well, whata if I don't want a broken one, I want a nice one? Apparently that doesn't matter because he said buying me a new scale would be a waste, if he wanted to waste money, he should just burn the $40 at the rate I go through food scales.

I really hate it when he's right.

I don't have any recent pictures of me. I could post an old one, but even ones from a month ago don't really look like me. I will start harassing the people around me to take an updated pic for you to see.

MY guy got me a cure skirt from Old Navy and a pretty top to go with it, and none of it fits anymore, I could only wear it for about 4 weeks. I loved the surprise, but looking back at the $50 he spent on the outfit, I could have had a new food scale (to kill)! [i'm joking here] : )

So my committment to just buy consignment clothing until I've decided to quit losing weight has been renewed!

1 comment:

  1. Jilly,

    My closet is full of designer clothes I've picked up at the Hospice thrift shop. Sometimes I add up the prices in my head of some put-together outfit I have on... A dollar for my top, two for my skirt, shoes three bucks. It's funny. You go girl!
