Saturday, May 22, 2010

feeling bad for the man

I am about 22lbs from my tentative goal weight. I think I can do it in 3-4 months or faster. I am a c25k graduate and I will be running a 5k (3.1 miles) for charity with friend on 6/12/10 at an overnight charity event near my home with real-life and online weight loss friends. I have 2 online weight loss pals who i've done real life stuff with. Life's pretty good right now.

But nothing's perfect. I'm fine but my guy isn't.

At prom we were in the picture line and having a nice chat with the picture lady (i'm a talker, i can't help it. well okay, my guy likes to talk to and so we did. a lot. but the picture lady liked it, so it was cool). Anyway, after about 15 mins of conversation, the picture lady spied his left hand and his ring, looks at me, looks at him and said "wait, you're faculty?" And he says "yep" she refunded our pic money explaining that staff pics were free, and then took a deep breath, looked from me to him and then made a comment about students going with staff. She looked ready to call 911 and CNN. My guy was upset, i kinda lughed it off, she apologized after we explained that i'm an old married lady and in no way a student.

Okay sure, from a stranger.

FF to this past week. Once a week we have family lunch with my guy either at his school or nearby during the day (he's got plan period during lunch, so 90mins during the day to spend with us). I took lunch to his school and the kiddo was trailing behind. Mandolin really looks like me now that i'm 69lbs down. People were talking to me etc. and all was well. I've known most of these people for 7+ almost 8 years. Later that night my guy calls me and said that one of the women who i'm chummy with didn't recognize me and accused him of cheating on me with another woman (who happened to be me) and having the great balls of stone to bring it to work. Now, I go to his school about once a week or so, and I don't see everyone, but really? It's flattering that I look THAT different that someone i've known for almost a decade didn't recognize me, but I felt bad for my guy because here's a friend accusing him of openly cheating on his spouse while at his job when he's doing no such thing.

I laugh a lot of this off, but something like this happens about once a week or so and I haven't noticed the effect on my guy until recently. I wish I could make it better for him. I know he laughes it off, he's a funny dude, but part of him still hates being accused of being a pervert or a cheater.

I have allowed him to post my current pics on his facebook page, hoping that will get some people up-to-date and off his back (all his students, friends, and many co-workers are into the facebook thing. I'm not on facebook, sorry y'all, but if you want to be my guy's friend, let me know, i can hook it up for you).


  1. People will adjust over time. He should be awfully proud of you. He just needs to come up with a standard line. You must feel so good.

  2. I'll bet he doesn't mind at all. The small inconveniences are certainly outweighed by (no pun intended!) by the happiness of having a happier and healthier wife!


  3. I bet it gets tiresome. He needs to come up with a line. Amazing how something can change a person's look. A new hair style, make up or weight loss among some things.

  4. well, at least the photo lady thought you were BOTH students at first.

  5. rosa, she thought i was a student beinging an older man to the prom, saw his wedding band, and then asked him if he was a teacher, when he replied in the positive, she informed us that the pics were free and then flipped out thinking i was a student. it was a series of misfortunate events.

  6. Ah, I see. Your poor hubby then!
