Friday, September 18, 2009

Answering Bert

"Bert said... Where are your sister's kids now? Were you ratting her out, or the crack whore cousin? Does the crack whore cousin have kids? When did you sister lose all sense of proportion when it came to her offspring?"

To fill in some of the gaps:

I called CPS on CW, not my sister, but I'm sure once CPS gets to investigating CW, they'll stop in at my sister's place. CW in fact has a few kids. She had several abortions in one year, then had a baby that same year and a little more than a month after that baby was born was knocked up again and gave that baby away. I'm not sure why she kept the one she kept. I really think she gave the one kid up because in our state, more kids = less money. Besides being a CW, she has an illegal/unlicensed tattooing gig on the side for under-the-table money. So besides welfare, she's got a few under-the-table gigs to rack in some money. I have a friend who works for the state tax department who wanted to report the fraud, but on top of the CPS thing, that would just be petty, right?

My sister refuses to send her kids to school and states that "CW is her only child care option, since she can't afford private school." School just started, so she could send them there FOR FREE, or I would take them, and offered to do it. I have the added bonus of being allowed to educate kids and would actually educate them and there'd be no worry of drug deals etc. I'm most angry at my sister because I told her about the conversation, and she didn't seem to care, in fact, she knew it was going on and keeps sending the kids there. If i found out that Mandolin's daycare had anything shady going on, I'd find a new daycare AFTER calling the cops. I think my sister has had what I'd consider skewed parenting values for awhile now, but in my family, there's a "hands off" policy when it comes to other people's kids. This is why I'll probably be disowned across the table. It doesn't matter if the kids are beig harmed, we're supposed to butt out. Obviously, I didnt follow that rule.

This rule is in fact hypociritcal because one of the many reasons I haven't spoken to my mother since Feb. is because she wouldn't utt-out of my life and made me choose between my child's health and her. I picked my kid and that's the end of it. I've seen my mother since Feb, but we haven't said more than "hello" or other very small talk. The other day she called me and started in on it again, but I got off the phone quickly and have decided not to talk to her again. Who would have thought that my guy's parents would be the sane ones?


  1. "Who would have thought that my guy's parents would be the sane ones?"

    Hey, not me!!
