Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dear Cheese Heads:

Please hang in there. The rest of us in the nation are counting on you to fight this fight for us. If you cave, we have NO CHANCE.

I grow tired of all these "greedy" teacher protests. Every 2 weeks $250 is taken out of my guy's paycheck, as it was when I used to work. My pension was paid for by ME, not the gov't. Before I left, things were starting to get bad. We were taking pension cuts, pay cuts, talks of furloughs, benefits cuts, paying more for medical benefits all VOLUNTARY. This happened about 20 years ago, and they promised that when the economy recovered, the state employees would be comped for the pension cuts/steps that has been lost. They lied.

This is one of the reasons I was happy to leave when I did. We weren't asking for a lot, and we were giving up many things without complaint. But right now, anyone with enough time is retiring and they're not replacing them. Teachers are teaching out-of-subject, and more than 3 preps, which is against contract. They aren't hiring people to replace the retirees, so class sizes are swelling. Obama is ending the terrible NCLBA from Bush, but he's got his own plan and it's just as convoluted and UNFUNDED as NCLB was, except it's almost worst b/c states are worse than broke and really can't afford to change the system again so soon. On Fox etc. they bitch that teachers only work 9 months. I'm here to say BULLSHIT to that. I don't know one educator that does not have at least 2 jobs. Here's another truth, a lot of the people complaining about "lazy teachers" wouldn't last a day with 180 kids, Hell, they can't stand to last 3 with their own.

When did common people working hard become the enemy? It's sad when pundits/people tout that some person on wall street deserves $300,000 a year but someone making $50,000 is greedy so they don't. WTF? I don't care who you are, if you make more than $100,000 in the US right now, YOU ARE RICH. You're not bad, but you're rich compared to 85% of the nation. That's reality.

You know, I LIKE services like trash pick up and snow plowing. I like it when all 300 desks at the motor vehicles are manned with people who have more than 3 functioning brain cells. Usually there are 300 desks, 2 workers, and 1 brain cell shared when I go into the MVA. I have no problems paying taxes to man the desk at the MVA, for snow plowers, for trash pick up, and yes FOR TEACHERS too.

These people work hard, are decent human beings, and they PAY for their retirements. Let the people retire before they die at their jobs and give them a bit of respect. Even if you don't respect someone who doesn't make $300,000 a year on Wall Street, you need to realize that you can only beat a dog so much before it lashes out at you and bites back. It's dangerous to consistently attack that many people, it leads to BAD, BAD things socially. Seriously, pick up a few history books. Then again, if you could read a history book, you'd be thanking a teacher instead of attacking them.


  1. I thought this post was about Packers fans

  2. I agree with everything you said.

  3. i am a cheesehead and let me assure you, we are not going down easily. my daughter in law is a teacher, my daughter continues her plan to become a police husband has spent 20 years representing union workers. we spread the word as often as possible not to let scott walker expect us to take it in the shorts so he can look like a shining star to his republican croonies and the multi billionaires Koch brothers who have their hands up his puppet ass.
    now they are trying to tell us that the protesters have done 7.5 million dollars in damage in the capitol to the marble walls with tape.yeah right. i say leave the damage as a badge of courage to those not willing to back down. they said they found bullets on the ground outside the capitol. i wouldn't put it past some loony republican or some walker supporter to have dropped them to incite panic.
    i am tired of the middle class being screwed.
    don't give up on us. we are a hardy bunch.

  4. I agree, too, Jilly. What I find most discouraging is the wedge being driven between union and non-union workers, between public and private enterprise unions, between the middle and working class. It's a classic divide and conquer strategy. Wealth, and particularly Conservative wealth, is not just satisfied with richest 5 or 10 percent of the population having amassed 70% or 80% of the country's wealth, they require and see a path to more. They now understand exactly how to proceed: through fear, through panic, through division. With these tactics, they can explain how the only way left to get into their fold is to be more like them: be ruthless, be suspicious of anyone with another argument or vision, be willing to step on the backs of anyone in your way. It's similar to what rich slaveholders told poor white yeoman farmers in 1860 (and it may be a continuation of that national crisis): Your only chance to be like us is to jump whole heartedly into our great cause. Never mind that we don't really want you in our ranks, that there is no room for you; never mind that thousands of you will die for your efforts. It is your one way out.
    In that struggle, in their zeal and romance for a great cause, many of the South's rich lost both their land and wealth. Much of it went north. But today, the rich everywhere are not so foolish or idealistic. Smarter this time, but with a few of the same arguments--states rights, weak federal government, the fear of lost individual rights--they appear to be well of their way to winning the new war.

    I'm really discouraged, as I said.


  5. "When did common people working hard become the enemy?"
    When FoxNews Rabid right wing nutjobs said they were! Duh.
    This latest go round is union busting plain and simple

  6. still hanging on here. no resolution in site.

  7. Anyone who follows me on Facebook knows where the hell I stand LOL although there is not a lot of laughing going on around here

  8. I agree Jilly. Teachers and staff in education are retiring if they have time enough in. Everything's being taken away. Benefits for staff and programs for the children.
