Saturday, May 29, 2010

new pic of me

this is me. i'm sitting on my tub with the camera proped up on the bathroom counter and i figured out how to set the timer. The pics where i'm holding the camera look off, so this is the best way i could figure to take my own picture.

like the tacky fish themed shower curtain? MissM went though a huge fish stage and wanted everything fish so my m-i-l bought the kid a fish shower curtain, hooks, bath rugs, towels, toothbrush mug etc. Because that's what a 2 year old needs, don't you know?


  1. you look fantastic but you need a new 'do...maybe bangs?

  2. You look great, and you look happy.

  3. Pay no mind to "anonymous." I think your hair looks great! You have such a high, pretty forehead (I'm jealous--I have a widow's peak that is hard to work with.) You look wonderful--like a whole new person!! I am very proud of you.

  4. Looking good!
    I think the shower curtain looks cute, but I like cutesy stuff like that :-)

  5. you look gorgeous. as for anon's do what makes YOU feel comfortable and good.

  6. My suggestion of a need for a new 'do and bangs was not said in a negative way. (Jilly you are adorable no matter what size you are.) I think bangs would frame Jillys beautiful eyes and who doesn't like a trip to the hairstylist? Maybe I should have been more specific...and maybe you commenters should relax.

  7. the shower curtain is cute,rosa. I like cute things too. mine's of cute cartoony like's really cute. I bought it because we call my older grandson froggy. then I had to go find things light green to match it.he still likes jumping round. he's been doing that since he was 6 mos. old. he started out jumping on my lap.

  8. Gorgeous Jilly! I would never recognize you from before.
