Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Stupid Man Codes

Today I set about making 100 christmas ornaments and a tree topper out of heaps of salt, flour, cinnamon, cocoa powder, and coffee grounds. If you've never done this, it's very messy and not easy to accomplish with a 2 year old, but we hung in there and all three types of "cookies" were made. Tomorrow we have to decorate the "sugar" cookies, but the cinnamon and mocha were done tonight. I want a tree that could be demolished by young kids and I won't care.

After that, I got started on the Christmas cards. This is usually an involved process, because depending on my mood, I send anywhere from 50-200 cards. Some years I love everyone I have an address for, and other years, like this year, most people could go @#%$ themselves before I send them a card. Kathryn, Spidey and Tree will be getting cards from me because I got a card from them. This year's cards are picture cards of Mandolin screaming at Santa. I got 40 copies of that magic moment and stuffed them into the cards, applied a staple to keep the pic in, wrote a message on the back, stuffed the envelopes, and then put a sticker to close it up. This process took me about an hour.

I really needed help printing the addresses. Basically, someone had to make a new label document of the "in" people from three different address files (my family, his family and the shelfer people). Because my guy has mad skills, and had nothing to do, I assigned the job to him. With some quick C&P action, he should have been done with everything printed long before I was. Nope. He tried to pull the "I hate this $%^&" card to get out of it, but it didn't work with me. That's when I told him that I'd go take his name off all the cards if he didn't help. He thought I was kidding. I let it slip that I haven't put his name on a Christmas card in years, or a gift tag either because he takes me for granted. He had a fit and said I "betrayed" the "relationship rules." WTF? Apaprently, one of the biggest perks for men in a relationship is not having to shop or fill out cards, and I should know this and just put his name. Screw that, if he wants a name on the card, he has to help the process out. I wouldn't be so pissy here except, he had the easy job, a job he earns a living at TEACHING OTHER PEOPLE HOW TO DO, which is mail merging and using C&P. He's got no excuse and the old "I have a penis, see?" excuse isn't cutting it. So, while he pouts and hunts for Sports Center, I'm printing address labels and finishing the cards.

His name isn't going on any gift tags I fill out this year.

If you want a card, let me know here or e-mail me.


  1. Save the 44 cents; I still don't like X-me$$.

  2. I know you're going to hate this, but I think you should master the mail merge yourself. It's very empowering to be able to use tools without help. Or, at least, with only the help of search term or two to the might google god.

  3. Tree, I can do it myself, but I wanted him to do it while I was writing the cards to save me the 12 minutes it would have taken.

    I also wanted him to do it because on saturday I took a bad fall and was told to stay put as much as possible because my knee is swollen and purple and doesn't bend right now.

    The printer is on the other side of the house, so I wanted him to print the labels and save me the burden of getting up, going over there, getting the stuff set up, after digging it out of storage, printing it all, and then coming back and doing all the rest.

    I have several files on my computer with different labels already set up. I have address labels with my name, his name, our names, bookshelf addresses, my family addresses, his family addresses, friends, businesses etc. He just needed to C&P from the already existing files into a new one and print.

    While it is empowering to it by myself, it isn't fair for him to expect me to do it all, especially while injured, and then want his name on it.

    Today he agreed to take it all to the post office for me, so that is his contribution to the mess.

    Bert, yours is being tucked inside the scarf for Liz, so suck it up and enjoy some of the X-me$$ cheer.

  4. I haven't even thought about Christmas Cards this year! I've been too darned busy.
